Thursday, April 29, 2010

Shhhhhh! Its a secret!

Hello readers! Here I am! Thank you Thank you, hold the applause!
I'm here in the library for the blogging club and my teacher Ms.Hawkins
told us to write about
a secret talent. So I'm writing about my secret talent is
scrapbooking. It all started when i got a scrapbook for my 7th birthday.
Me and my favourite cousin started doing it. Now i love scrapbooking and us two do it
all the time. I recently started a really random new one about when i come over its really cool!
bye for now!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hey guys!!!!!!!!
you must listen to this song.
Its called hello Brooklyn. I LOVE IT

Hey bloggers! im writing my part of story :

So being VERY careless, the guy went into the jungle by mistake. (and was now lost.)
SO the guy was faced with a matter of life and death. He had to survive in the jungle.
But what he didnt know is that there was a shopping mall being bulit right near where he was.
The guy walked around until he found a cave. Since it was getting late, he went inside and
decided to live there. For some reason he looked like a freak so when he went out all the animals
chased after him on a rampage until he finall ran out and found the constuction site packing up.
He yelled and yelled asking them to take him. But they only said for a million gazillion dollars and proper clothes. Instead he just offers to help until he earnd a 100 dollars. After he got home he met Alvin and the chipmunks standing at his door step with Dave.

Hi everyone! SO remember how i said im going play that game, its my turn now!
so im gunna do it right now. Iwonder whta ill write.
Well uhh..
um, thats really all i have to say.
SO bye!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Hey readers! I really need to start writing more. So guess what! My class got a homework assignment for the bloggers only. Its like a game,well it is a game. So there is a game called
silly stories.(It also has other various names) One person starts the story and other people just continue on and on and on until the story ends, and you end up with a hilarious story!. So the bloggers have to do that but they have to do it on there blogs. So if you dont mind, PLEASE DO NOT POST ANY COMMENTS. Thank you. Alothough im not intirly sure if i can do this. So if I cant ill tell you.


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Bad news! =( (thats a sad face, look at it sideways)

Okay remember when i said i was going to make another "potion". I did.
So guess what happend. I was putting everyhting in and i went go get a cotton ball, tisssue paper, a cup of lemon water and baby powder,(dont ask why) and some how it spilled. so now I have a stained carpet and no potion. I have to make it over. But on the bright side i get to make again! Oh just for a sneakpeakit smelled honey suckle and lemons.

Homework : That guy in the sewers

Hi readers (and Ms.Hawkins)
Today the bloggers in my class got some home work.
We have to right a response to a question. we saw it in the paper today.

I personally think it should stay illegal because of many reasons.
1.He is going through places that may be illegal,private or dangerous.
2.There is a lot of bacteria there. So, he could develop a disease that can spread.
3.He could clog up some ones pipe/drain.
4.He could get killed.
5.He could put in a bomb,dynamite,etc.
and probably many other reasons.
P.S. numbers 1,5 and three are though as if he is a criminal.

That's all for now!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Hello everyone! My friend came over today and we were looking through my makeup box and we found an old "potion.'' (as i would call it) One day my other friends came over and we were bored, so I grabbed this old container i had and we started putting in things like: bubbles,lip gloss,cream,perfume,shampoo,etc. and we made up a perfume. (those werent the exact things I put in.) I called it Secret Senses. Because we never told anyone what was in it,because it was so good. AND, it is a secret recipie. So now my friend (who is here now) decided were going to make a new potion/perfume. I'll fill you in on the new one later.


Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy Easter!

Hello every one!

I dont celebrate easter but i know you do.

Hope you guys have a great time,

and a day full of chocolate!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

A special treat!

Here's a treat for you! I was bored and decided to blog. But I didn't know what to write about. So I decided to post an April calender I found on Google. So here you go! Its not labeled so don't get angry at me!